• info@pimser.com
  • Mutlukent Neighbourhood 1989. Street No:7 Cankaya / Ankara



Veertec is a group of passionate students and students who are constantly on the lookout for the latest in artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies when it comes to video analytics. one of the problem solvers. We believe in the diversity of approaches to solving problems that can be achieved with perceptual, adaptive and innovative frameworks.

From developers, engineers, and business analysts Veertec works closely with customers to tailor scalable solutions that not only meet their security and business needs, but also optimize performance, productivity and profitability. VEER helps create smart cities and sustainable transportation infrastructures by providing video management system solutions specific to the airport, traffic and banking industries while bringing the highest standards of safety and security to people.

Turn your current surveillance system into VEER's artificial intelligence-based Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) software Provide a safe environment in the workplace by raising Personnel who do not have the necessary safety equipment such as helmets, gloves and safety vests are detected and alerts are sent to system administrators. Additional security equipment can be integrated into the existing software according to the needs of each business.

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